Tuesday 30 October 2012

Odd Jobs

Here are some snapshots of the kind of jobs we keep ourselves busy with here at Wild Roots. WWOOFing isn't ALL humanure and vegetables, you know.

Just mostly.

cleaning out the eavestroughs (fighting a losing battle)

we were tasked with fluffing a hay bale. it ran away but left an easy trail.

Moragh is putting it in its place.

Never leave a Jang alone with a pile of hay.
For the record, one regular round bale of hay, once forked and fluffed, made a hay pile about seven feet tall, nine feet long and two feet deep. Craziness.
3.5 lb turnip we found growing rampant in the brush behind the greenhouse.  Took three days to eat.

cleared the tomato plants our of the greenhouse and were left with  about 18 lbs of these guys for market.
cleared a path down to the brook and went rock hunting (to pave paths in the greenhouse). rubber boots = invincibility

hello, tiny newt. salamander? newt. ...?

sometimes there are skulls. more treasures in a later post! 

yes, we are standing in the middle of the brook. no, we haven't showered in a while.

Besides all that fun stuff, we've been hauling rocks (that activity gets its own special post later on), watering the greenhouse, tending the chickens, harvesting pumpkins and squash, picking raspberries, preparing for and running the market booth, making beer, visiting friends, and doing some activities around the community that we will again be touching on in later posts. We're still having a great time and are looking forward to Halloween tomorrow :) hopefully there will be costumes involved (and squash carving - a new challenge!).  More posts soon!

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