Monday 15 October 2012

Best Laid Plans

Since we returned from NYC, we've been changing our plans almost every day. On Thursday, what started as an appointment to get our winter tires on turned into a doomsday saga of "don't take your car off the Island" and "$698 to fix". So by Friday evening we had resigned ourselves to delaying our departure from Sunday until Thursday or Friday of this week. We cleared it with our hosts, and even got a bit excited to have more time to prepare and see people before we left. Then on Saturday morning, we took the car in for a second opinion at our most trusted mechanic and he repaired it on the spot for $45. The catch is, it's only repaired as far as a 1999 Camry with 330 000 km on it is worth repairing. So. We'll see. Armed with extra transmission fluid, oil, a pile of car safety/repair equipment from Emily's uncle, and a rudimentary knowledge of good car/bad car, we're leaving today. In about an hour.

For anyone who doesn't know what WWOOFing is, check out their website at! Our first stop is Cape Breton, and we are so excited. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. Omg, I had never heard of wwoofing before! I have to find a way to do this next year!
