Wednesday 3 October 2012

NYC Day 1/Sorry I'm SO Bad at Blogger.

Guys this post was frustrating. My apologies for the block of pictures at the end, I'm going to format them as soon as I work out how.

View from our fire escape! Center of Chinatown, NYC. 
Why did it take me half an hour to figure out how to write next to my pictures?? ARGH

Anyway. It was extremely difficult to choose only a few pictures to post on here in the interest of time and sanity, and we promise we will upload all our pictures to Facebook once we return to Canada! but for now, here's a taste of what our first day in New York was like!

We spent most of the day wandering around the neighbourhood surrounding our apartment (Chinatown) in an effort to orient ourselves and get comfortable in the city. We mostly succeeded in DISorienting ourselves but after a few hours we began intuitively knowing directions and landmarks. Which is an achievement when most of the signage is in one Chinese dialect or another.

This is Columbus Park, where we found a large number of Chinese people gathered to play music and play checkers and cards while they waited for their children to be finished at school. Each games table had its own cheering section :)


We stopped for lunch at a place called Lovely Day, which serves Thai food that is flavourful and light. Best dish: ginger fried chicken, ordered as 'crack chicken" by the locals. Seriously the best chicken we've ever had.

Moragh had an existential moment at Sara Delano Roosevelt Park, where we went to digest our lovely lunch.

NOTE: this Blogger thing either hates me or I suck at using it or both, and I have given up after a good hour and a half of trying to get text to wrap around my pictures and captions to not screw with the orientation of my pictures etc so HERE is just a bunch of pictures. The churchy ones are St Patrick's Old Cathedral, the skyline one was to illustrate the fog here today, the COOL ones are our apartment, and the last one is us enjoying a beer on our fire escape :) 
Until next time, 
Emily and Moragh


  1. OMG that looks amazing!! I hate you so much!! Not really but MAN check out that brick wall in your apt thing! and I did not know you were right down in Chinatown! Lucky little buggers. Props for making proper use of the fire escape.

  2. Loving the updates! And if it is between you or the blogger thing being stupid, its DEF the blogger thing! Love yas!

  3. Your apartment is PERFECT. And the Cathedral looks gorgeous.
