Thursday 1 November 2012

Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone had a fun Halloween! We expect some of you are now recovering from sugar comas, or maybe still riding the high :) we've seen some pretty great costumes over the past couple of days, both in person and on Facebook, and we decided last minute that we'd get in on the action...
 Our first matching costumes. How sweet. But we really don't know what we ended up being (the vests were just too good to leave in the Halloween bin). Are we creepy rednecks? Goth truckers? Or is this just how we dress...

Anyway, we had a great time last night at a party hosted by L'Arche ("an International Federation dedicated to the creation and growth of homes, programs, and support networks with people who have intellectual disabilities" - Wikipedia, go read about it). Our hosts here are involved with some programs at L'Arche, as are many of the young people in the community. The party was an easy mix of L'Arche assistants, staff, and participants, and everyone's costumes were way better than ours (ours weren't hard to beat but there were some seriously awesome ones there). The decorations were perfect, the food was creepy (fingers, eyeballs, bloody something or others, etc), the games were fun, and the people wonderful. We had a lot of good laughs and good conversations and a good dose of Halloween spirit.

Plus, we found a salamander.

That's a tea light for size ref.

After L'Arche we came home and ate Screme Eggs and had some pear cider and watched TV (Community for us, Man on a Ledge for our hosts) as the rain poured down outside. It was, in all, a very relaxing Halloween.

Please comment and let us know what you think our costumes were!

We also carved squash. Emily's is left, Moragh's is right.

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