Friday 26 October 2012

Baby Garlics

So this post may only really make sense to Emily's mother... If you really want to know, listen to We Are The Battery Human by Stornoway. We really did sing this as we planted the garlic. It was a long day.

what are we doing this fine morning
what are we doing this fine day
we're going to earth to sleep all winter

outside the leaves are slowly falling
but we're going to hibernate 'til spring
and wake up in sunshine when it's warmer

cause we're the new generation
we are the baby garlics
and we were born to be free range
free-ee-ee-ee-eeee range

we've got the whole world at our root-tips
we've got lots of bad breath left to share
we'll come out at least a few cloves bigger

so join the new revolution
to plant the baby garlics
cause they were born to be free range

free-ee-ee-ee-eeee range

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