Tuesday 16 October 2012

New York Tidy-up

We have admittedly fallen behind on the New York posts but those of you with access to our Facebook pages are in luck, as all of our photos are being up loaded there. We wish we had the time to continue to write about the things we saw and learned down there but we are afraid of falling even further behind on current events so we have chosen to let NYC slide by. Very briefly, the rest of our trip was as follows:
More dim-sum, NY Public Library (a three block reading room!), more waiting in line for theatre tickets, Grand Central Station, Lincoln Centre and surrounding artsy West Side areas, War Horse (best thing we've ever seen on stage), Asian fruit experiences, souvenir shopping, more Central Park, crappy crappy Italian food, Disney Store, Toys R Us, Rockefeller Concourse, airport and home :)

Start the WWOOF blog soon!!

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