Friday 19 October 2012

MAbou, not MaBOU.

Mmm apples. Everywhere in Inverness county, apples are ripening and falling off trees. The green ones are especially delicious. We learned today that the ones that look the best to us also look the best to the bugs and wormies. Corollary: not all bugs and wormies leave marks on the outside. Lesson learned.

Hmm, how do I apple...

We had a day off today and spent most of it exploring the Mabou Rivers Trail, part of the Rail Trail system here (similar to the Confederation Trail system on PEI). Our backpack full of picnic and bird book in hand, we walked for the better part of four hours and ran into locals on ATVs and bikes as well as a car (not sure how kosher that one was) and everybody waved and chatted :)

We saw a multitude of animals as we walked along, including a pair of grouse (lots of thumping as well), an ermine that ran back and forth investigating our feet, squirrels, chipmunks, voles, bluejays, chickadees, geese, ducks, a northern harrier, and some cows.
thought this mushroom had a pattern on it, but it was a shadow

they eventually came over to the fence to investigate but we were boring

We ended our day on West Mabou Beach, which is also surrounded by hiking trails and will definitely be worth further exploration. Emily read her book while Moragh investigated the rocky shoreline.

Back to work tomorrow! And the Mabou Market on Sunday! More farm pictures and wwoofing updates to come. Until next time,

Moragh and Emily

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