Tuesday 9 October 2012

Catching Up

Since our last blog post, we have done...a lot. We just scrolled through our pictures and it almost looks like we travelled to a different country on each day.  this is our second last day in New York so we're about to dive in again, but here's a list and some pictures to let you in on what we've been up to:
Golden Unicorn Dim Sum, accidental encounter with the Metro Correctional Centre, fooling around on the steps of the courthouse from Law & Order, MetroCard misadventures, Central Park exploring (the Zoo, the Mall, the Carousel, the John Lennon Memorial), pizza in Little Italy, FAO Schwartz, FAO Schweetz, Pulaski Day Parade, sushi at Ruby Foo's, Wicked, M&M's store, Times Square at night, more Central Park, an architecture walk, Columbus Day Parade, discount ticket booth adventures, FDNY store, Top of the Rock, Newsies, more Times Square at night. Whew.
Today we hope to hit Grand Central, New York Public Library, the Met, and maybe another Broadway show if the tickets are cheap. Wish us luck!

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