Thursday 4 October 2012

D ≠ B

We are writing to you tonight from the comfort of our bed, where we have the AC on full blast (29 degrees with humidity right now) and where our leg, butt, and back muscles can finally give up the ghost. Our day was awesome but nearly 100% walking and standing, and we are really going to sleep well tonight.

Our first attempt at navigating the NYC subway was mostly successful - yes, we did get on the wrong train on our first try but so did at least four other people trying to get to the Museum of Natural History. We all sat and watched as our intended stop flew by the did the next five stations. Turns out the D train does NOT stop at all the stations that the B train does, even though it would appear that way on the map. So instead of 81st street, we had to get out at 135th and take another train back to the museum. Oh well (unlimited metro pass FTW, $30).

We spent the whole day at the museum, until it closed at 5:45 (six hours total). Too much to get into now but it was incredible. See pictures below :)

After the museum, we walked across the street to Central Park to regroup and rest our feet. What a gorgeous area to have in the middle of NYC! We'll be going back there on a nicer day to explore it further.

On Emily's mother's advice, we hit up Five Napkin Burger (5NB) for supper. So. Good. Whoever decided to put gruyere cheese and rosemary aioli on a burger is a genius. They also happened to have a huge selection of American bottled beer which was exactly what we needed at that point :) we chose to sit outside, which allowed us to people-watch, and count yellow taxis that went by (average 24 every minute = 1440 an hour - crazy). Still not used to the sensation of the subway being under our feet!

At the exact moment we surfaced from the subway ride home, someone ran over a soccer ball about ten feet away. It made a noise like a gunshot and scared the living hell out of us and everyone around us - funny in retrospect but at the time got us distracted enough to miss our street, and then turn in the opposite direction while trying to correct our route :s The eventual spiral we made to get home took us through Little Italy, where we picked up raspberry Italian sodas and hovered between giggling and whimpering as we climbed the stairs to our apartment. Our feet may never forgive us.

Can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring!

1 comment:

  1. well...that sounds about right, Urban Rangers. I'd be no better though don't get me wrong lol. thanks for the bird hall visits! best have pics!! <3
