Saturday 3 November 2012

Visits, Visits Everywhere

We managed to meet many new people during our short stay in Cape Breton (there is no better place to meet people than a market in Cape Breton, write that down). We even attended a community forum on local food and gained some perspective on issues faced by rural communities in the area (which we hope to elaborate on in a future post when we have the time to sit down and gather our thoughts). We left the Cape with a handful of emails, lots of friends and memories of the beautiful area where we lived for such a short time.
Deb and Dennis Hayward's beautiful home on the Rankinville Road.
Extensive and well kept gardens run by Deb.
We love Deb and Dennis and their sense of humour and perspectives in life.
This is Terron Dodd's home near Whycocomagh, where he makes gorgeous wooden spoons.
Terron's house came as a log house kit, like large scale Lincoln Logs.

On our last day in Mabou, we went for a walk while our car was being repaired (yes, we have some stuff to fix on our car, who is surprised, no one is surprised).

Sarah gets it. SO MANY CHESTNUTS, Emily was in heaven.

...most of these are for Sarah's benefit. Rankins :) but closed for the season :(

We enjoyed the Gaelic culture so much. And Emily almost had Moragh convinced that "fiddlestitches" was the real expression, not "fiddlesticks".

Mabou har...bour..? water with a bridge - hah

The Mull (not the mall like it sounds), where we had a delicious lunch on Friday.
That about wraps up our time in Cape Breton. Of course, we have not uploaded even half of the pictures we took. Maybe over Christmas or afterwards we will have the time and internet connection to do a picture dump on Facebook. But for now, we have (with some sadness) left Wild Roots and Inverness county behind and are looking forward to our time in Ohio, just outside Antigonish. :)



  2. poisonous horse chestnuts, actually :/ Moragh had planned to roast them. she almost cried.
