Sunday 25 November 2012


Reason #1 that we don't get more blogging done.

Reason #2.
The cats here are true snugglers, and without fail they find and educate any person whose focus is centered on a laptop rather than on the obviously more enjoyable activity of patting a cat. Buckwheat is especially persistent and will stand on you no matter what position you are in - or where you are. Yesterday she tried to  jump on Moragh for cuddles as Moragh was sitting on the toilet - the cat put her paws on Moragh's pants (which were around her knees) and attempted to jump up for better pats...and got extremely miffed when Moragh's pants slid down and dumped her on the floor. So instead, she jumped up on the sink, put one paw on Moragh's shoulder, and stared at her until she was finished.

Rex also likes to torment Moragh in the bathroom, and Emily was extremely amused to witness the following scene: Rex, wearing his green jingle bell, excitedly attacking Moragh's feet by simultaneously biting her toes and clawing her ankles; Moragh, standing at the bathroom sink, looking confused and little bit pained, hopping from one foot to the other trying to avoid the cat, with - this is the best part - her finger stuck in the sink. She had somehow managed to get her finger snagged in the drainage hole that sinks have opposite the faucet. Rex was taking full advantage.

Hope these stories made you smile, and we will be publishing more posts later, after barn chores and a bushwhack to the pond! Hope everyone is having a good weekend :)

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