Friday 2 November 2012

Transition Time

Today is moving day! We will be in Antigonish by the end of the day. Our car is having some minor repairs done (we have a list of things we could fix, one part at a time) this morning, then we're having lunch and visiting some friends for the last time and then we'll be off! We're told there's internet at our next spot, but who knows how reliable or fast it is so this may not get updated again for a while. Just so you know. Still have some activities to report on from Wild Roots (beer making, kraut, fermented beans, crazy stuff we found in the woods) but it's going to have to wait! We'll leave you with probably the coolest treasure we found here: a fossilized TREE. For realsies.

Emily cleaned it off recently and it looks much nicer but still SO COOL.

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