Monday 12 November 2012

Update From the Barn

Our friend Sarah who we met in Cape Breton has come to visit us in Antigonish! And turns out she's a goat hoof expert! We are cleaning and trimming goat hooves this morning. Did you know that goat's hooves are just like big fingernails?? Underneath their hooves looks like two fat fingers and a large fingernail over top. We are cleaning the dirt out from under their nails and trimming the ends if necessary. They hate it so much.
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.


  1. no likey? are their heads restrained lol

  2. They are really not impressed with being manhandled and so when you try to pick up their hoof, they slump over and you have to hold them up :) we had one goat who just tucked her legs under and lay down. they are standing on a milking station so their heads are sort of restrained, we put a bar up so they can't pull their heads back through the gate. and distract them with grain.
