Sunday 25 November 2012

Farm Facts

Checking the pond ice for thickness.
Fact: this farm is something out of a fairytale about farming. Is there such a thing? Doesn't matter. This is it. Fuzzy sheep, hens sitting on eggs, big docile horses, cows that look like shag carpets, wood stoves, homemade pies, skating ponds, forest trails, lakes, and a garden of plenty. Plus four loving pets to keep you company. Be jealous.

Fact: Clydesdales make Emily look like a hobbit. This is Bailey, and he is actually slightly smaller than the other one, Bud.

Fact: trying to catch a sheep is chaotic and can be challenging, unless you're Emily. Emily is considering putting "sheep wrangling" on her list of natural talents (in case you're curious, that list is empty right now).

Fact: the sheep will eat all of those barrels of brewer's mash and two bales of hay in a week. Those barrels are about 55 gallons each.

Fact: leeks are delicious and quite pretty. We took vegetables and eggs to the market on Saturday, including leeks, lettuce, carrots, onions, and kale. The eggs were gone by 7:45 am and everything else was gone by 11:30 am.

Fact: mesclun lettuce contains three varieties - oakleaf, red oakleaf, and romaine. The lettuce will continue to grow in the greenhouse for another couple of weeks. We harvested half of a row (out of three) and got about a garbage bag full.

Fact: everyone should have bathtubs to wash their lettuce in. And then, an old washing machine to serve as a giant salad spinner to dry it.

Fact: Moragh's camera is waterproof.

Fact: Movember is almost over! We decided to get in on the action.

Fact: Emily cannot hold things with her upper lip like Moragh can.

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