Sunday 9 December 2012


We are getting ready for a small snowstorm here - so excited! Might turn out to be a lot of freezing rain but we'll see. We finished building bunny feeders for their new pens inside the barn and will be moving them inside before the snowfall tomorrow.

While Diane had time off this weekend, we went for a drive to check out the view of the St Laurence. It was wintry and beautiful, with many more islands than we knew existed and lots of interesting ice formations on the shore. We saw an island where apparently thousands of Irish immigrants were once quarantined and died of typhus. There is a monument to them there now. And of course, Mont Ste Anne and the rest of the Canadian shield look surreal.

We have also been listening to a lot of traditional Quebecois music (plus a little chiaque from NB) and had a jam session in the kitchen today...all three of us on spoons. Diane has been great to share her knowledge of Quebecois culture and the French language. We have even started to dream - and sleeptalk - in French.

All in all, we're having a very relaxing time here and are enjoying our cultural immersion. Hopefully the snow delivers tomorrow!
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